P 010 – VCFMW is a go!

VINTAGE COMPUTER FESTIVAL MIDWEST 13 September 15-16, 2018, Elk Grove Village, IL


Super Excited!  The first time the general public will get a chance to see the original and new version of the game is coming up in just a little over a month!

I will be attending the event as both an exhibitor and a presenter.  The exhibit, is going to consist of a real Tandy 1000 computer, which I’ll actually be seeing for the first time myself, I purchased it off eBay, it was a “local pickup only”, and good friend, and fellow exhibitor Evan Wright was kind enough to take possession of the system for me and will personally deliver it to me at the event.  I can’t tell you how excited I am, after all these years to have in my collection, my 2nd love, the original Tandy 1000 PC!  The CoCo was my first love, the T1K was #2!

The plan for the exhibit, is to have the real Tandy 1000, playing the original MS-DOS version of the game, running on original hardware, and let everyone be able to see, play, and experience it, exactly as it was back in 1989.  Next to that, will be the current work-in-progress version for the Tandy Color Computer, also playable, and people will be able to compare the two versions, side-by-side and let me know what they think of each.

The feedback will hopefully be invaluable in helping me shape the current and future versions of the game, as the initial Coco BASIC version is only the first of hopefully many more versions to come.  The name of the exhibit and presentation:  “Cosmic Aliens: Then and Now!”  The presentation I’ll be providing will be a slide show which will most likely be a distilled version of what I’ve been blogging about and posting here, but, a “little something” that would be exclusive to the show, so it isn’t just a recycle of the web site, what that will be? We’ll have to wait and see.

It would be great to meet some people in person to help me share this experience, so, if you’re able to swing by Chicago in September, stop on by, it’s free!

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